
Phi 60 Multiple Choice Question Paper

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Midterm Study Guide 60 Multiple Choice Questions // 10% of Grade Unit 1 - Historical Thinking Skills and Documents Vocabulary Primary source - Source from a first hand account Secondary source - Comes from a primary source Declaration of Independence - document declaring independence from britain Enlightenment thinkers - People like john locke, montesquieu, etc John Locke - Separation of powers, no cruel and unusual punishment, etc Thomas Jefferson - Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence Natural Rights/Inalienable Rights - Rights guaranteed by god Social Contract - People exchange some of their rights in exchange for protection …show more content…

What is meant by the idea of a social contract? Identify ideas found in the Declaration of Independence that were Enlightenment ideas. Identify grievances that the colonists had against the King. Explain how the Northwest Ordinance provided government for the Northwest Territory. Explain how the Northwest Ordinance established a precedent for governing the United States. Develop an argument that a particular provision of the US Constitution would help in addressing a problem facing the United States in the 1780s (Articles of Confederation). Explain a provision of the US Constitution in terms of how it reflects Enlightenment thinking. Identify ratification concerns of the US Constitution. Identify and compare arguments of Federalists and Antifederalists. Identify which view prevailed in the argument about ratification. Identify the rights delineated in the Bill of Rights. Explain specific precedents for these right - English law, Enlightenment ideas, the experiences of American colonists, early experiences for self-government, and the debate over the ratification of the US Constitution. Unit 2 - Industrialization and Progressivism

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