A Critical Analysis Of A Doll's House By Henrik Ibsen

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Three days is all it took for a young woman to change her ways. The main character of the play A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen named Nora Helmer acts very childish. She lies to her husband Torvald, and her friends. Nora borrows money from her enemy Krogstad to save her husband’s life. She cheats society by taking out the lone herself rather than with a man like she is supposed to. Nora is being blackmailed by Krogstad because he feels his job in the bank is being threatened, and decides she will protect herself by not letting her husband find out. Mrs.Helmer plans to kill herself so when her husband does find out, he can forget about it because she is dead. Freud’s theory says that personality is based on your attempts to resolve conflict between your unconscientious sexual and aggressive impulses and societies demands to restrain these lustful urges. Nora at first only pays attention to her identity and desires. Throughout the play she learns to use her ego and superego properly. First, in act one, Nora surrenders to her id by lying to her husband and friends. Torvald remembers about christmas last year. He gets mad that she had hidden herself away to make ornaments for the tree and they were destroyed. She asks him “How could I help the cat’s going and tearing everything to pieces?”(Ibsen 15).She tells her husband Torvald that the cat had ruined the decorations when she was …show more content…

Nora lies and cheats out her friends and family in the beginning but then learns to use her superego in the end. She goes through act one listening to her id and focusing on her desires. Throughout the rest of the book she becomes more aware of her superego. She becomes more rational about her problems and chooses the best possible solution. She becomes a strong independent woman by leaving her husband because she felt she protecting not only herself but her family as well.