What Is Atticus's Closing Argument During The Tom Robinson Trial

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Court Case Essay 16-21 By: Taylar Stueven Atticus put up a fight during the Tom Robinson case. Giving great arguments and counter arguments to prove that Tom Robinson isn’t guilty, also Atticus had a really well thought out closing argument. If I were Atticus during the trial I would have changed up his closing statement, otherwise everything else I would have kept the same and if I were a juror I wouldn’t have decided that Tom was guilty. Atticus had a really well thought out closing argument. He puts Tom Robinson’s life in their hands and lets them know that you are the one making the decision. Atticus states, “I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this defendant to his family. In the name of God, do your duty.” Him saying at the end to do your duty, tells the jury that you are doing your job and if you find this man innocent then he is, but you cannot find this man guilty because of who he is on the outside. Overall, he leaves the jurors to make the right decision in a professional manner. …show more content…

Everything that he did during the trial he did very well and I was even surprised that he was able to show the audience in the court by showing them that Tom couldn't have done anything with his left arm and that Bob Ewell is a lefty. Atticus’ closing statement was great and made the jurors think about the decision that they have to make, but, I would have changed why I think that Bob Ewell is guilty and put back into the heads of the jurors that someone is guilty in this room. Overall, Atticus did everything right in my mind during the case but could have restated that someone is guilty for what happened to