Essay On Gender Roles In Azerbaijan

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In addition to working in such hostile environments, women are consistently are paid less than their men peer, earning about 81 cents to every 1 dollar of men’s wage( Conley, 2011). Situation during the first years of millennium has substantially impacted gender roles in society. In twentieth century, study of gender roles is considered one of the most significant tendency in the contemporary sociology science. Because of gender problems have become one the most controversial issues in the scientific investigations, academic analyses and today’s media, the confusion about the similarity of two concept :sex and gender has decreased. In sociology science, these terms are regulated dominate different spheres. While sex refer to biological …show more content…

Because of the situation of Azerbaijan in the area of Muslim civilization, there had been pressure on women in different areas such as education, economic acivities. Although Muslim world gives the advantages to the man in the society, it could not stop the Azerbaijan women to succeed in social life. It is the fact that, the first secular girl school was opened in Baku in 1901. It caused the establishment new cultural understanding because it consisted of traditional Muslim and advanced European Civilization elements. The establishment of first secular school in Baku and Eastern World plays the significant role for improvement for gender equality. The idea for to establishment of school for girls was suggested in 1896 and the idea was realized by the person that plays the significant role in Azerbaijan history and culture, great Azerbaijan citizen-Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. He described the all the organizational structures and learning process in the secular school for females, also he offered to make school compulsory for women. Despite his letter by Russian government and he agreed with e K. P. Yanovskiy, the creating of the girls school was postponed for several years. He faced difficulties because of gender inequality in Azerbaijan. At that times the establishment of secular girl school sound ambiguously for local

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