
What Is It's Time To Drop The College For All Crusade Argumentative Essay

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Destiny Garcia
Professor Star
English 103
18 June 2018
It's time to drop the college for all crusade
Students are forced to make decisions regarding whether they will attend college or not. Its seems like society desires us to attend college, almost leaving us with no choice. This might be the biggest problem to cause college crusade.“ It’s time to drop the college for all crusade” lacks convection in his opening paragraph, doesn’t show any emotion and is very basis throughout the article. However, it’s an effective article because he is very thorough about his ideas and uses statistics to make a more valid point.
Robert J Samuelson “ It’s time to drop the college for all crusade”, opening paragraph lacks the ability to deliver his main …show more content…

We all know that attending college leads student bankrupt. Although some parents can afford to provide the economic needs for their child to attend college, most parents are not prepared and students are faced with the costly expenses of college. “It’s time to drop college for all crusade” touches a little on student debt. The reader's attention must been caught when Robert gave additional information on how student goes to debt throughout their adulthood. “ Student Debut” comments that financial assistance from the state and local governments towards students tuition drops by 20 percent, forcing students to take out loans if they want to pursue higher education forcing students to take out thousands of dollars in loans. This add more to what Samuelson was saying about how student drops out are high because of student debts. Samuelson states that “ In 1940, fewer than 5 percent of Americans had a college degree”. School in the 1940 was there for the privileged kids with the money and now it has increased since then. According to another article “ The education we deserve”, “Today, for economic reasons, millions of young people cannot attend a college. Of young people in the bottom economic quartile, only one in five goes on to college”. This is still an issue till this day and Samuelson gave his on idea upon

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