
What Is John Locke's Idea Of Government

507 Words3 Pages

Shanoa Fowler
12 February 2016

In our world, people have the right to act and think “freely”. Some more then others, but for the most part we all do as we please, without someone else imposing on our liberties. Do you ever think about how we retain our cherished individual sovereignty? Lee A. Jacobus, a professor and outstanding serial author wrote, “the core of any idea of government is that individuals need an organized allocation of authority to protect their well being”. Though all governments may not do the best job of appeasing society’s fancy as a whole, they do uphold standards, provide protection, and support citizens financially in order to ensure the well-being and safety of every individual in that society. …show more content…

He harbored the idea that men should not be subject to the “inconstant, unknown, arbitrary will” of another man, and that our government’s duty is to protect our natural rights. As an English philosopher in the 17th century, Locke experienced life under a puritan dictatorship where many restrictions were placed upon society. Though he lived under a theocracy, he was still allowed to pursue an education, practice his own religion, and create all the works that he is still known for today. Later, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States drew his fundamental ideas about government and liberty from the works of Locke. As a result, we now live under a government system that grants the people free will, and in turn we elect political leaders that have similar ideals and propose policies that will potentially benefit us by helping to preserve our

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