What Is Juvenile Delinquency

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What is juvenile delinquency you may ask? Juvenile delinquency is the act of participating in a crime by a minor. This criminal act can be punished by many means, it was designed specifically to deal with those who are under the legal age of eighteen. There are various reasons as to why juveniles commit these crimes. This research paper will highlight some issues on juvenile delinquency such as behavior in schools, social media, and family life.
In many schools you may find that a great deal of students may have an aggressive behavior which may lead them to difficulties in the classroom. This may result in the child receiving unfavorable evaluations from their teachers or peers. It is evident that poor school performance, absenteeism, and …show more content…

Also there should be a fixed curriculum which does not relate to the child’s interest and abilities may cause some of them to become dissatisfied and become idle. If the child has a disinterest in a class that child will perform poorly academically which will then in turn will be a likely way for that child to become a delinquent in school. In the Cambridge Study on Delinquent Development and the Pittsburgh youth study, both have found that with low school academic accomplishment it leads to adolescent delinquency. It shows that delinquency is related to poor school performance, the seriousness of the offense and the duration of delinquency offending. Improper grading can cause delinquency in two ways. Grading a child above their mental level causes the child to fail in their tasks. Grading a child above their mental level is giving them tasks that may seem difficult to them or an assignment that they may not understand. Other students will notice that he has difficulties and may find him unfavorable or stupid. The child will receive a scolding from the teacher. That child is …show more content…

They can find many believable excuses to be absent from school. It’s easy for that child to play hokey and delinquent in itself; but this often provides an opportunity to make offenses of a much more serious nature. By students missing school these students will not be able to receive the proper instructions from teachers, this is linked to delinquency. Having excessive school absences is a sign of school dropout and because daily attendance determines a schools funding absences would mean that the school will have less resources to do their job well. Being absent from school, most students tend to get into altercations that get post on to Facebook or any other social media site. They record their peers fighting which sometimes lead to that fight making it to the news or sometimes to the police. In a research done by Brittany of yvpc.sph.umich.edu she said that a new trend called “Fight Compilations” has become increasingly popular on sites such as World Star Hip Hop and YouTube. Fight Compilations is a video snippet of a fight that everyday people record, usually on their cellphones, and then posted on to social media. It has become such a huge trend that you can simply type in “best fight compilation videos” and get copious amount of videos. Exposure to violence through