The American Dream Essay

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The American Dream is something a lot of people, all over the world, have. They are all under the assumption that America is where you want to be. We have the jobs and economy to financially support them. Immigrants from Mexico always try to cross the border, looking for a better life. Some do cross legally and try to start their life here. The American Dream does work out for some people. They become really important people, like CEO’s or doctors. Dreams are what they want to fulfill. Immigrants all over the world want to travel to America to fulfill their dreams. Dreams, something everyone has, could over power your life. They could be little dreams or life long dreams. Baba’s dream was to have his children grow up safe and happy. The people …show more content…

Everyone wants something they don’t have. For Americans, we dream of a nice house or car. For people from Kabul and Afghanistan, where all the fighting had occurred, they dream of living to see another day. They dream of having another day guaranteed to happen for them. Characters in this book all have something they want. It could be a new kite or for some people it is to move where it is safe. “The next morning, as he brewed black tea for breakfast, Hassan told me he’d had a dream,”(Hosseini 59). After Amir moved to America, he found a wife. His wife, Soraya, and him were trying to conceive children. It was Amir’s dream to have a son to carry on his dad’s last name. They were trying for years, but never conceived. So, Amir and Soraya went to a fertility clinic. The doctor did a bunch of tests. “He gave me a lab slip and a plastic jar, handed Soraya a request for some routine blood tests,”(Hosseini 185). People have a wide variety of dreams, from little dreams to big …show more content…

The Taliban aren’t nice people, they kill people if they look at them funny. People over there have to fear for life, they can’t even shout for their team they are cheering for. If they would shout too loud they would get struck by a whip or killed. There was one exception though, if they were cheering for the Taliban leader. “This time, no one was struck with a whip for cheering too loudly,”(Hosseini 271). The one soccer game that Amir and Farid went to had a halftime surprise. The Taliban leader stoned two innocent people to death. “ The Talib, looking absurdly like a baseball pitcher on the mound, hurled the stone at the blindfolded man in the hole. It struck the side of his head,”(Hosseini 271). The American Dream means a lot to people, and they will do anything to get