What Is The Effect Of Culture Shock On American Culture

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Shopping & Culture Shock Culture shock, the sudden disorientation one feels when in a place culturally foreign to their own costumes. A way to avoid going into culture shock when visiting another country, is to research and understand their differences compared to your own. In Spain, where you have all shopping names ending with -ería, stores in America go by the company name, or their brand. These stores, known in latin influenced countries as supermercado, are department stores. Instead of more, smaller stores focused on one “topic” of product, these stores hold of variety of assortments. Side note, not all store names openly label what kind of store they are. American stores are not community based, product within the stores are either locally made, which could mean in any of the fifty states, or are exported from other countries. Another important thing to …show more content…

You also do not have to pay in cash for everything, even if it is something as small as candy you could use a credit/debit card. For the best deals, coupons will be sent in the mail by stores to bring in customers, or a paper catalog of prices will show up. If you receive a shopping coupon, it would be best if you thoroughly read it, noting when it expires in addition to what the coupon is for. If you go shopping somewhere and notice how another store’s price is lower than the item is there, ask for a “match price”. This is where they check the other store’s price, marking that item down for you. Also if you are unsure or where something is, or need guidance, it is okay to ask other shoppers, American shoppers do not usually talk to other people when shopping, but if you need help they will be willing to oblige