How Does Culture Influence American Culture

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The American Television production has taken more than a century to achieve their goals and being recognized as one of the country with an outstanding systematic mode, high-tech broadcast system, and well-experienced system. They were a time that American TV didn’t air on Burundi’s television stations or satellite boxes. But with the widespread of globalization through Internet, has given Burundian youth more opportunity to view U.S. and its culture Through U.S. Television series’ two-way collaborative process, television can influence audiences culture and at the same time culture can also bring influences to Television. It also (Ting-Toomey, 2005) raised that we are more aware of our cultural identities when we find ourselves in another culture …show more content…

Basically, any process or product of human activity can be named as culture. In this general sense, culture consists of a group or community’s traditions, customs, norms beliefs, values, and thought patterns passed down from generation to generation. The scattering of American TV dramas continues to generate intensely in the capital of Burundi, pouring myriad of products like film, television series, and music video affecting youth behavior and social development. Thomas L. Friedman said, Television has its own way of dominating culture, which is why it tends to be homogenizing. Culturally speaking, American TV formats in Burundi is largely, though becoming entirely. Secondly, Television is highly practiced in rural areas mostly in the capital city, Bujumbura. Some youth tend to be raised by American TV formats and there are many studies analyzing how this can affect youth’s attitude, behavior, upbringing, language and culture same for the adults. Based on, my previous minor research on most popular international TV formats viewed in Burundi, American TV formats were mostly appreciated compared from other western TV dramas. Hou Wei (2005) said that the process of media determines the results of cross-culture communication, meaning that the spread of U.S. dramas through new media would effectively extent different cultures around the world. In addition, new media accelerates the flow of information exchange among countries with globalization access. This is true that new media works with its tools, such as the Internet, provides more opportunities for each country to exchange their culture. The preceding discussion clearly states that Burundi and the United States have different cultural values; the values are not identical. Every value influences other