What Is The Federal System Of Government

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The country had just gotten out of an ownership by another country much larger than she. These countries were ruled by a King. After a revolutionary war, the new-free land, the United States of America, was deemed a federal system by the Constitution. The people who wrote the Constitution did not want another King, keeping in mind absolute power corrupts absolutely. With the federal system, the government would be divided into different levels, or branches. Each level would have limits and powers, and every level would watch the others. The Framers used these separation of powers to create a functional, long lasting government that would bring back the natural rights to the people. What is a federal system of government? A federal system of government is the practice of division between different governments under one country. These governments are the national government, state government, and local government. The people are sovereign. The Framers chose a federal system, but there are many …show more content…

The Constitution tells what these limits are. The national government is divided between three branches. The Executive Branch, which is the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet. The Judicial Branch, which is the Supreme Court, and the Legislative Branch, made up of the Senate. The national government may not; tax imports, spend money without being approved, or make laws that favor trade in one state more than another. Each individual state has a smaller government of their own. The state government may not; print money, enter treaties, tax imports or exports, keep an army or navy in a time of peace, or engage in war unless being attacked. Neither the national or the state government may; deny rights to a trial or jury, grant titles of nobility, or enact ex post facto laws or bills of attainder. The Bill of Rights enforce these limits and laws on state and national