What Is The Impact Of Eu's Policy On Human Trafficking

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The EU’s policy on human trafficking is comprehensive and focuses its mission on prevention, protection of victims, prosecution of criminals, and developing relationships with third countries or other actors involved. The policy places the victims at its heart and seeks to ensure that people who are victims of trafficking are provided with equal opportunity to recover and to re-integrate into society (The EU’s). Although globalization has given an increased awareness of the possibilities that exist in more developed parts of the world, very few people have the ability to enter these countries legally and work, including EU member states. As a result, this leaves migrants vulnerable, grateful when approached by someone to help bring them into developed countries (Bąkowski, 2014). This vulnerability is easily exploited by traffickers recruiting people. THB issues also arise due to “high demand for sex services and the existence of a semi-legal market for poorly paid and easily manipulated manual labor in developed countries (including in the EU)” (Bąkowski, 2014). For this reason, the EU’s …show more content…

One of the ways the Directive sets out to execute these actions is through research. It is paramount for member states to educate its citizens on THB crimes as well as promote awareness. Continuous research on new forms of trafficking is essential to prevention as this is a crime that changes daily (Directive, 2011). The Directive also promotes training to officials who are likely to come into contact with victims of trafficking and potential victims in their line of work. This training is targeted specifically toward border police, police, social workers, healthcare professionals, etc. (EU Actions Explained, 2017). In addition to prevention, the EU’s trafficking policy focuses on victim protection as