
What Is The Impact Of Having Too Much Power In Lord Of The Flies

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Troy Robinson 8th E10 Zastrow 1/17/2023 In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, the impact of having too much or too little power is evident. For example, Ralph showed a impact of his power on humanity when he said “I'm chief. I'll go. Don't argue." (Golding 155) This shows that Ralph is the leader of the group and decided who goes and who doesn’t. This affects humanity because Ralph’s power as chief is going to decide what's gonna happen to the boys. In addition, another powerful impact on humanity was when Piggy’s glasses “His specs—use them as burning glasses!” (Golding 38) This exemplifies that whoever had Piggy’s glasses had the power to make a fire. This impacts humanity because fires can easily spread and burn anything in its path. In conclusion, with evidence proving my claim the impact of having too much or too little power is evident. …show more content…

For instance, money can determine humanity's outcome “ Power allows people to control outcomes with respect to both the environment and the self in the use of money” ( National Library of News ) This shows that money as a way of power can destroy humanity. Such as, environmental and economic. Factories run by money pollute Earth and destroy humanity slowly as global warming kicks in. Furthermore, world leaders show power and can determine humanity's outcome. “ North Korea is among the world’s poorest nations, with widespread malnutrition. Its economic activity is based on building factories and showing weaponry.” ( Council Foreign Relations ) This can be seen as a bad way of using power because it destroys North Korea’s humanity as a whole. It has poor conditions and only cares about showing off to other countries. To sum up everything that has been stated, society has a lot of examples of the impact of having too much or too little

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