What Is The Importance Of Learning Essay

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People learn in many different ways. Most of people learn new things every single day. Learning is the ability to do something better. Some people learn a lot by sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher but for some people learning happens outside the classroom. Learning is an important function in the human organism. While learning is an essential part of our interaction with the environment particularly the social and societal environment. The human being is very much a social person, and learning always happens, either directly or indirectly in interaction with other people. The learning is considered a key element in the interaction between the individual and the surroundings. Learning is a lifelong process.
High school students in the United States are more stressed than ever. The numbers of teenage depression it’s doubled in the recent years and the numbers are still increasing. The depressions come in different reasons but one of the biggest problems is the entire test you have to complete as a student. All these kids future are depending on …show more content…

It shows that children from the wealthy families get better scores than children from less wealthy families, but how? That question is pretty obvious. The wealthy families have the amount of money to pay for private lessons with some of the best instructors they can find. All the children from the less wealthy families don’t have the same opportunity as the rich kids. They don’t have the same advantage as the rich kids because of the wealth of their families and that’s sad!
The American education system really has to change this attention of the tests because that’s a really big issue. By changing the attention of the tests will make the opportunity much bigger for the students who come from less wealthy families to succeed better in