What Is The Loss Of Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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Power of Savagery Lack of a structured environment can quickly lead to loss of self control, which leads to savagery. The novel, The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, is about a group of boys that landed on an island from a plane crash and their civilized mindsets quickly turned to savagery. The boys began as a civilized group of children, doing the best they could, but this did not last very long. As the effects of their unstructured “government” set in, they began to lose their innocence.Through the characters Roger, Jack, and Robert, the author demonstrates how environment and loss of self control can lead to a downward spiral of savagery. Throughout the novel, Roger shows his savagery through his decision to kill Piggy. In the novel, when, “Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, …show more content…

Considering that Robert may have been stimulated by hunting the pig, it shows how his impulsive actions may have been a result of the hunt. As a result, the way Robert acts shows his aggressive and savage behavior. It is also believed that savagery stems from surroundings and people are not born savage. The article by N Yampey, shows how, “The myth of the Good Savage assumes people to be naturally good, but civilization has led them into the realm of violence, hatred, and cruelty.”. The environment Roger, Jack, and Robert were exposed to was likely to be the reason why they showed signs of aggression, savagery, and just barbaric behavior. Lastly, the environment has a large influence on behavior and in this case, savage, barbaric actions. The correlation between environment and savagery/loss of civilization is often proven and explained in studies shown all around the