
What Is The Mood Of The Movie Gidget

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Gidget, directed by Paul Wendkos, was a pop culture film released in 1959 by Columbia Pictures. It starred actress Sandra Dee, as a young girl named Frances who has difficulty relating to her peers who are in search of a boyfriend in the California beaches. Frances feels out of place because she’s not interested in the same things as her friends. A trip to the beach with her friends changes Frances’ perspective on finding love. While at the beach, Frances wasn’t very interested in finding a boyfriend. Instead of sticking around with friends who tried to get the attention of a group of beach bums who surfed, Frances goes swimming. It soon proved Frances wrong as she goes far off shore which almost cost her her life. Frances is then rescued by …show more content…

There was a lot of usage of the multiple camera angles, a followed movie plot, adequate acting from the actors, and a very soft lighting to enhance the mood of the movie. I particularly enjoyed the environment of the movie on where it was filmed, California. Gidget captured the scenery of the California beaches very well showing the lifestyle and culture of the California surfers. Another aspect that I enjoyed of the movie was the energetic and affective acting of all the actors. The movie did a great job of getting to the point of the plot and making sure that all the actors got their adequate amount of time of acting. One final thing that I enjoyed about this movie was learning about the lifestyle of a teenager and the role of both parents. It’s very different now. Parents aren’t very open with their children about their romantic interest today versus how open they were in the 50’s. Overall, I would recommend this film to all my friends and family. You’ll get a great view of the what the lifestyle was like in the 50’s. You’ll learn all about surfing, lifestyles, and how different American culture was at the

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