What Is The Nature Of Frankenstein Relationship Between Parent And Child

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In a child’s development, the relationship between the parent and child is very important. The parent’s influence on the child can greatly affect who they become. It is imperative that a parent maintains a healthy and positive relationship with them. Through the characters in the novel, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein emphasizes the importance of a strong and healthy parent-child relationship during a child’s development.


Shelley exemplifies the negative effects of an unhealthy parent-child relationship through the relationship between Victor and his father, Alphonse. While with Henry, Henry mentions Victor’s family saying, “I will not mention it if it agitates you; but your …show more content…

A deep dive by Claridge revealed Victor’s true relationship with his father, “Victor insists upon remembering "the best of all possible worlds" is the psychological defense of an only child (as …show more content…

33)” (Claridge). Victor felt a sense of love, but there was always a missing piece that created tension. This void in his life caused repercussions later in Victor’s life. Later in his life, Victor created the monster to fill the void. He created the monster in hopes it would “bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs” (Shelley 44). Victor longed to give a being the love that he desired growing up. He always felt cared for and not cared of. Creating the creature would allow him to make up for his father’s failure. This feeling caused Victor to make irrational decisions that had repercussions. Victor did not think it through nor did he seek guidance. These events depict the same relationship and effects of poor parent-child relationships have on children. A study researching the effects of family interactions on a child’s behavior found, “In the families with confusion regarding the boundaries and problems caused