What Is The Right To Change According To Thomas Jefferson's Life

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1) Jefferson’s claim in the first paragraph is that we have the right to stop and abolish whatever has negative effects on our lives. And he supports that by saying in line 4 “…which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them…” This explains how it is our right to do whatever we have to do, to put whatever is dangerous to us behind. 2) The overall reason for the colonies to separate from Britain that Jefferson outlines in the second paragraph is that, as stated in lines 13-14, “…whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it…” This supports the fact that the king is such a government. One that is destructive but that we have the right to change. 5) The most …show more content…

Boys were taught by doing chores on the farm. Most boys grew up to farmland and work at skills like weaving and shoemaking. Farmers cleared land, built fences, butchered animals and split wood. They also planted, cared for and harvested crops. To earn a living, planters grew some type of cash crop that could be sold for money or credit in order to buy needed tools, livestock, and household goods which could not be produced on the farm. During winter and spring, women did spinning and sewing. In the late summer and fall, women dried and stored fruits and vegetables for winter meals. Planter’s wives often grew herbs such as spearmint, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, and parsley. Such plants were used to season food and make home remedies. On some small farms, women worked in the fields helping to grow crops, but most women spent their time running the household. In Virginia, slaves lived and worked on plantations or small farms where tobacco was the cash crop. As a general rule, they worked from sunrise to sunset, usually in the tobacco fields. On large plantations, some learned trades and worked as blacksmiths, carpenters, and coopers or served as cooks and house