
What Is The Theme Of Bullseye By James Patterson

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Bullseye the Mystery Bullseye is a fictional novel written by the great author James Patterson. This book is about an agent named Michael Bennet “must kill or be killed” (Paterson, 45) he goes through a journey into many missions and must survive. This book lives up to its moral kill or be killed. Bullseye is very mysterious and left you hooked at the ending of this book makes you want to know more. The book has allot of deaths that leave you wondering why these people were targeted and why all the people who died were close to Bennett The characters in this book are very unknown you know very little about the characters because they are quickly neutralized. Bullseye is a very good mystery and has good hooks but the story is very confusing. …show more content…

The Characters are just agents that Bennet meets but they would all die but their deaths would explain that the killer knew Bennett's personal life. Patterson’s book had a lot of great hooks and turns and deaths left with questions “He has been neutralized but there is are more of them” (Patterson,87). This book also throws a lot of shade around who the assassin is Michael Bennett is faced with a lot of enemies. His friends seem to turn on him throughout the book. Every homicide would make the identity of the assassin as clear as mud. But as every book, there is typically not a perfect book. Bullseye's story was really confusing and hard to follow. There were allot of murders and plots that did not make sense and the book jumped allot. Bullseye shied away from what was really

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