What Is The Theme Of My Friend Dahmer

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Movie “My Friend Dahmer” written by his high school classmate

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While it’s kind of disturbing, Jeffery Dahmer is a household name.

In fact, many consider Dahmer to be one of America’s most infamous serial killers (and cannibals). Talk about getting fame the wrong way…

When you think of serial killers, you’re not likely thinking about their teenage years or who they were friends with in high school - you’re thinking about the fact that they’ve killed people.

It could be what makes the perspective so interesting and why a movie written by Dahmer’s high school friend and classmate is what everyone in Hollywood is talking about.

Graphic novel to film adaptation

In many ways, Dahmer had a normal upbringing. He lived in a normal suburb in Ohio, drove around in pickup trucks and even took a girl to prom. No obvious red flags. …show more content…

One of Dahmer’s high school friends was John Backderf, a cartoonist and now critically acclaimed novelist known for his graphic novel My Friend Dahmer.

The novel gives readers a unique perspective into the life of a monster in the making, before any of his gruesome murders occurred.

I guess people were genuinely curious how a high school nerd became one of the most disturbing murderers in history, because the comic book was a raging success.

So much so, it’s been announced the book is now being turned into a movie.

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Disney heartthrob to play future serial killer

It might seem like an interesting choice, but Disney heartthrob Ross Lynch (he played the cutie on Disney’s show Austin and Ally) is set to take on the lead role as the teenage Jeffrey Dahmer.

Talk about landing a killer roll. All puns aside, the casting choice seems

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