
What Is The Theme Of The Poem But Thy Speaking Eyes By Tom Carver

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This poem seems to be about the author being in love with another person but for some reason feel they shouldn’t be such as they come from different backgrounds, either person is already taken, or possibly the author is angry that she let herself fall in love, especially if there is some reason they can’t be together. There were some words that were difficult to understand because the poem was written a long time ago and used words that we no longer use today, but other than that there weren’t any words that had meanings that weren’t obvious. The phrase “Yet, thy speaking eyes,” was interesting because it made it clear that she really does love him. To be able to find that much meaning in such mundane things makes it clear she has strong …show more content…

The first image was that of a sky and then of a night sky with bright stars. The next strongest image was in the fourth stanza talking about their eyes and how expressive they are. You can also hear when she talks how she doesn’t like hearing other people speak because it drowns out the memory of his. The author did a really good job of having the reader feel what she was feeling going back and forth trying to convince herself she doesn’t love him.
There is personification in the stars being glad to see him, which emphasis her love for him and her envy that she cannot watch him like the stars can. The author also used anaphora when she repeatedly says “I do not love thee,” to illustrate the internal battle she is having because of her feelings for this person. The main emotion the author is trying to express is frustration over the fact that she does not want to have feelings for this person or even admit to herself that she does. She is also trying to express her love for them and how they have ruined other people for her as evident from her explaining she doesn’t like to hear other people speak anymore because it interrupts the sound of their voice in her head. Another piece of evidence is that she says she wishes other people she is willing to admit she loves were more like this

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