Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Laws

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Gun control laws are important to have. These laws keep us, our families, and our friends safe. But, the laws are weak and require not much thought. You don’t need a FOID license to register for a rifle, shotgun, or handgun, and don’t need a FOID license to carry a rifle or shotgun in Illinois, according to the NRA-ILA. So, this means anyone (legally able in Illinois) can carry or register for these guns. Illinois should have stronger gun control laws.

Guns are the leading causes of death. Unintentional shootings are as common as defensive shootings. From the homicide and suicide rates becoming higher in homes with guns to mass shootings, guns are the reason these people are being killed. There are unfortunate stories about people getting killed or injured because of accidental shootings. Some of the accidental shootings are because children or teens find a gun that they think is not loaded and shoot it. Most guns are loaded. 72% of those kids or teens find these guns in their own homes. This is why we need to enact more gun control laws quickly. …show more content…

Australians have to present a presentation on why they need a gun. This process alone takes 28 days to finalize. These are some reasons gun laws work well in Australia. The U.S. should use some of these laws. President Barack Obama looks up to these laws and also has had speeches about Australia’s laws, according to The Guardian. Ever since these laws have been enacted in 1996, the number of mass shootings has dropped tremendously, according to the National

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