Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control is arguably one of the greatest concerns in our nation. The amount of news headlines and tragedies that surround the media every day is appalling. Tighter restrictions on firearm type and magazine size have not made noticeable differences to this spike of violence. Despite the good intentions politicians may have for tighter laws and regulations, firearm legislation can actually increase firearm-related crimes and deaths. Criminals would not be affected by the legislation because they do not obey laws in the first place, and the legislation would leave the public struggling to obtain firearms and licences for their basic right of self defense.
In theory, making more laws and restrictions to guns would limit the use of firearms …show more content…

Put simply, ¨The [plain] purpose of the Bill of Rights [is] to limit federal power¨, and ¨the Second Amendment ensures that the federal government will never get a monopoly of weaponry¨ (data). The governemt knew that regulating weapons would make them just as horrible as the English that they broke away from, so they created their system based on the ideas of the public freedom. George Mason, part of the Constitutional Convention, once stated that ¨To disarm the the most effectual way to enslave them¨ and this statement still stands relevant today (buck). Since 1950, only two mass shootings have occurred outside gun-free zones, meaning that practically every shooting took place in these ¨safe zones¨(poli). If a citizen had any kind of weapon, they could have taken action to save hundreds of lives over the years. The regulations have ¨enslaved¨ the public, just as George Mason pointed out. Firearms would not only be beneficial in public shootings, but in armed robberies in homes and in businesses. This protection is the sole purpose of the amendment: keeping the citizens protected by having them protect themselves. There is only so much the government can accomplish without disrupting the rights of the citizens. James Madison, another Founding Father, knew how ¨The

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