Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Because of all the school shooting around the United States people are pushing for more gun restrictions, but the guns are not the problem, it is the people who commit the crime that are the problem. The most deaths in the United States are caused by Tobacco use, but nobody tries as hard to get them outlawed. Tobacco use kills approximately five-hundred twenty-nine thousand people per year, just in the United States. There are about eleven thousand gun related homicides per year in the United States(Becker, "Gun Control Statistics That Reasonable People Should Know"). Guns are used for more than just criminal actions, they are used for other things like protection, and hunting. If guns in the United States become outlawed people will not be able to protect themselves from armed criminals as well as they would if they had a gun. There are also many Americans who will not give up their guns, and some may even fight for them causing more deaths in the Untied States. There is a reason that the Second Amendment was put into the Constitution. The Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, …show more content…

One interpretation is used on protecting gun rights and the other is used to help gun control. The gun rights version is that all United States citizens should be able to own and use a firearm when and how they want within the confines of the law. The other vision is that of the gun control advocates their interpretation is that guns should only be used by a state regulated Militia. Both of these descriptions are valid interpretations of the Second Amendment and can be used to argue both points of view in a debate. Since the Amendment can be used on both sides it is unwise to bring up the topic in an argument. Unless the Supreme Court rules in favor of one party. Then that party can use the Amendment to get their ideals