What Is The Tone Of The Yachts

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When writing poetry, it is important to recognize early on how you want your poem to be interpreted for the common folk. An author does this by including elements in their poem such as metaphors, connotation, tone, allusions, and imagery. These are the elements of poetry that reveal the deeper meaning or message behind the poetry. With these elements, the author is able to compose their poetry however they may please. These elements are also imperative when reverse engineering the meaning or message behind a poem. By analyzing the elements of a poem one can decipher the meaning or message behind the poem that the author intended. “The Yachts” by William Carlos Williams uses a variety of poetic elements to relevel a deeper meaning in his poetry. William Carlos Williams, is a well-known American modernist poet and also author of “The Yachts.” “The Yachts” is about class warfare in America and the war on the poor. He wrote the poem in 1935, at the height of the Great Depression. On the surface of “The Yachts”, the poem seems to describe a boat …show more content…

During the first eight stanzas of the poem, the tone relatively pleasant, due to present situation of class warfare merely being revealed and described. As the scene is described a pleasant to neutral tone. This is due to the use of the words such as “cloudless” (7), “happy” (16), “grace” (16), “flittering” (15), and “glossy” (19). Another source of the pleasant tone is the race that is about to happen. As is apparent the two crafts are not equal is size appear to be preparing for the race; perhaps the reader is expecting at David and Goliath kind of story. In which the underdog, David overcomes all odds and Defeat Goliath. If this was true, in the end, the boat would defeat the yacht in the race; however, this is not the case as the tone soon shifts with the last three stanzas, as they take a darker