What Killed Jim Crow Dbq Essay

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Joe Ng 3/23/15 Pd.4B What killed Jim Crow? During the 1950s and 60s, segregation was created, colored people were treated unjustifiably compare to the non-colored people in America (mostly in the south). African Americans all over America were discriminated against because the laws allowed African Americans and whites to be treated differently. Here’s the big question, what killed Jim Crow? Jim Crow is the system of government-sanctioned racial oppression and segregation in the United States. Segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something being divided. Interest groups ultimately led to federal legislation that outlawed discrimination. One of the interest groups that led to the civil rights is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR). Another interest group that led to the civil rights movement is Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The Alabama Christian Movement believed that all men created equal. The ACLC helped the African Americans sought relief by petition for the repeal of city ordinances requiring segregation and the institution of a merit hiring policy in city employment. In Doc D, it said that “We appeal to the citizenry of Birmingham, Negro and white, to …show more content…

The ACMHR and SCLC organized the Project C, a series of direct challenges to the segregation in Birmingham’s downtown shopping districts. The SCLC helped encourage civil rights in Alabama. In Doc C, it says that “ Another SCLC member, led a group of adults from the New Pilgrim Baptist Church to the police barricade. They knelt in the street and prayed. The they walked forward.” SCLC helped create events like the Albany Movement and the March on Washington to stop segregation. The SCLC focused national attention on the grave injustices endured by African Americans and to bring about federal legislation when eventually led to kill Jim