What Led Up To The Great Depression

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The great depression means people live on the streets, people get out of work, getting fired. Many people have nothing to eat so they starve themselves to death. During the great depression, many people get kicked out of work all over unite start. Many unemployed people get on the road, travel from town to town, city to city, state to state. Hoping that they will find work around and try to find food to feed their family, baby or even just to feed themselves. Not many people had cars, so many of them hitchhiked or rode the rails but it was hard to catch up they even got hurt. October 29, 1929 the day of the stock market crashed is the day that the official beginning of the great depression. The struck prices drop really fast without any hope of recovery and panic stock tries to sell their struck all at the same time. Then the stock market, which appeared to be a way to become rich quickly. It become the path to bankruptcy. That was only just the beginning of the worst depression. There was many banks had also invented many portions of their clients, saving in the stock market. These banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed. Many banks in America were closing all over the country. People hear about this and …show more content…

The banks has close for those who didn't reach the bank in time when they broke down or they were bankruptcy. Many businesses were also affected. Losing much of their money in either bank is closed or stock markets crash many of their employee’s were doing hours and payments. Consumers began to cut down on their spending, and purchasing, such as luxury goods. This lack of consumers, spending. It caused additional things to many businesses to cut back more of their employee's, payment and more lay off the workers. Some businesses couldn't even stay open with all those laid off and cutting down payments soon they closed their doors leaving millions out of