Personal Narrative: A Personal Experience Of Darrian Burgent

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Darrian Sargent
A person experience that made me see life differently

Darrian Sargent
A personal experience that made me see life differently

Something that has caused me to see life differently, was during my sophomore year of high school. It all started from a situation that happened in my sophomore of high school. I was giving a presentation front of my classmates and as I got to the front of the classroom my anxiety kicked in, I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know that all of this was going to happen. As I was standing there trying to give my presentation but I couldn’t move on with my presentation because my anxiety had kicked in and was causing a dilemma, as I was standing there trying to give my presentation I began to sweat and my classmates began to notice that I was sweating, the minute they saw that I was sweating they all began to make fun of me. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to do. So I stood there and tried to power through my presentation. …show more content…

Having social anxiety has changed a lot of things. And my was of seeing things differently in life. I haven’t been the same since giving my presentation my sophomore year of high school. I now have a constant fear of giving presentations to my classmates, and also just talking to people in general. Not only has this situation caused me to have social anxiety at school, but it has also caused me to have social anxiety outside of school. It has caused me to be afraid to talk to people in public places or just talking to people in general. It has caused me an everyday difficulty. It makes me see life differently because of the fact that I don’t want to go out and do things because I am afraid to talk to