What Role Did Christianity Play In The Roman Empire

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The Roman Empire lasted almost 2,000 years before it finally fell, due to the Barbarian attacks, but some people believe there was more reasons as to why the most powerful nation fell. There are 70 Roman gods and goddesses. The Greeks only had 12 gods but all 12 were changed to Roman gods. The Romans just changed the names, and some of the abilities of the Greek gods. To understand the difference between the Roman and Greek religion and how Christianity played a role in them, one must understand exactly what the Roman religion is, what the Greek religion is, and what Christianity is. To start with, one must understand what the Roman Empire's religion or belief system was. The Romans believed their ancestors watched over them in sprit form. For example, the Romans believed there were spirits in things like the Earth and oceans. All the Roman citizens believed and worshiped in the same things as the emperor did, because it was the law." The Romans …show more content…

When Constantine, the emperor of Rome became a Christian it meant the empire became Christian. Whatever the emperor's religion was decided the religion of his land and all the Roman citizens who lived in it. Constantine started out as a low ranked soldier in the army. The emperor, Constantine, took an army East hoping that he could destroy gorilla groups, when he had a vision of his mother kneeled down by Jesus. Constantine believed in Roman mythology, but promised Jesus to convert his religion if he led his army to victory then and only then he would become a Christian. The Romans won this victory and then became a Christian. " His mother Helena, secretly converted to Christianity. If she would have done publicly she would have been executed" ( The Roman Empire Adopts Christianity). Constitine would have also been deported and never would have become emperor if she was caught. Christians believe if she did not Constitine would have never saw Jesus and