What Role Did Urania Play In Greek Mythology

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Greek Mythology is one of the most diverse and influential aspects in understanding and appreciating earlier civilizations. Though Greek Mythology has many vital characteristic features, perhaps the most significant parts revolve around the Nine Muses. But, what are the muses and their importance in Greek History? “The Muses were merely beautiful nymphs who danced and sang, but today their legacy permeates our language” (Peterson and Dunworth 121). However, it is established that these muses were because of Zeus and Mnemosyne sleeping together “nine nights in a row to create divinities who could entertain the gods during their celebratory feasts” (Peterson and Dunworth 121). Hence, the muses personified Goddesses of various art forms with assigned roles. These roles contributed to their representations as sculptures. However, of the nine muses, Urania, who ruled over astronomy is predominantly discussed in this paper. …show more content…

“Urania translates to mean the Heavenly, and Heavenly Bright” (Rossi 225). Like her mother, Mnemosyne, Goddess of memory, Urania was beautiful and graceful, but she inherited majesty and power from her father Zeus, the God of Gods. Urania’s distinctive emblem is the rod and she “is frequently represented as turning away to gaze at the stars and has an astrolabe and rod for instruction” (Rossi 225). Urania, true to her role of patroness over astronomical writings was sometimes depicted holding “mathematical instruments, indicative of her love for the exact sciences” (Guerber and Guerber 69). However, just as the other eight muses, Urania’s role revolved around entertaining other Gods through the arts. Additionally, she reflected her name through her ability of prophesying. As a result, Urania’s true role involved predicting the future through the stars, but she is seen as an inspiration for achievement in the arts and