
What We Plant, We Will Eat: Film Analysis

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Justice and forgiveness cannot go hand in hand. Justice is motivated by revenge and forgiveness enables healing. These two concepts are complete opposite. Some people may think that justice and forgiveness are the same, but I disagree. If someone is brought to justice, it doesn’t mean that they are forgiven by all of the people they’ve wronged. Again, justice and forgiveness are not one-in-the-same. In the film Simon Birch, Simon kills his best friend’s (Joe) mother. Joe resents Simon for a little while, but eventually finds the room in his heart to forgive him. Simon was not brought to justice for the incident and Joe still forgave and accepted Simon’s apology. Joe wasn’t looking for revenge, he just wanted to have his best friend back and feel complete again. As you’ll notice, forgiveness is all about the healing of your pain and justice is consumed with anger. There was a short story we read that goes along with our topic, it was called “What We Plant, We Will Eat”. In this story, there were two brothers, one was rich and the other was poor, one was selfish and the other was generous. The …show more content…

In the play Hamlet, everything is about justice, revenge and just hurting the person who hurt you for your own relief. These peoples’ enemies were not forgiven, but the justice that was brought upon them made others feel good. Someone can be brought to justice and still not be forgi8ven by the people they’ve wronged. Justice has nothing to with forgiveness. All in all, justice and forgiveness cannot go hand in hand. Throughout unit 5, we have read plenty of stories that involve this topic and I have come to this conclusion. Justice is all about revenge and anger, but forgiveness is about healing your wounds. Many people are able to forgive, but some are not. Some people feel better by bringing the guilty to justice. These are two separate concepts and cannot go hand in

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