What Will Happen If Rome Fell In 476?

484 Words2 Pages

Daniel St.Preux
October 26,2015
St.Rita High School
6th Period World History

World History essay

In the year of 476, you can say the Roman Empire experienced a lot. Personally I believe the Roman Empire did indeed fall in the year of 476. Others may differ because of the countless events that shaped Rome at the time, but I believe Rome happened to have fallen. Now let me explain.

What leads me to assume Rome fell in 476 was the events that prove it. First, would be the Invasion’s by Barbarian Tribes. In the late 300’s, “barbarian” groups such as Goths had encroached way past the Empire’s boarders. This soon lead the Germanic Uprising in the late fourth century. The Germanic uprising lead to King Alaric pummeling the city of Rome. From that moment, Rome would spend the next several decades under constant threat and attack. But soon after, the “Eternal City” would be attacked again in 455 this time by the Vandals. Because of such turmoil that had …show more content…

During this time as well, Rome was struggling and falling because of severe financial crisis. This event happened because of constant wars,overspending,oppresive taxation and Inflation between rich and poor. From reading, one could also infer that Rome wasn’t at all the powerful country it was projected as. Rome’s economy, depended heavily on slaves. With the halt in the second century, Rome’s supply of slaves along with other war treasures began to dry up.I’d say Rome wasn’t ready for such an economic downfall to happen. Further exposure came in the 5th century, when vandals took full control of North Africa and began disrupting the empire’s trade by sailing the Mediterranean Sea as pirates. At this point with its economy faltering and its local and commercial production in decline, the empire began to lose its grip on

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