
What's Wrong With Cameras In Classrooms

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Adults and kids alike don’t like to be watched so, why would you put cameras in classrooms where kids are uncomfortably being watched? Video cameras should not be installed in classrooms because it makes many distrustful situations and they create an negative atmosphere in the classroom. Cameras will create distrustful situations and an negative atmosphere but, they will lessen discipline problems.
To begin with, cameras will create distrustful situations. For most teachers they like themselves to be in charge of a classroom. When the school puts cameras up in the classrooms, teachers think that the principal does not trust them. In “What’s Wrong With Cameras in the Classrooms?” states that “The teacher ought to be in charge and in control and that cameras are taking away authority of the teacher in that classroom to deal with any problems that they may have in that classroom in a professional way.” Teachers like to have control over their own students because that’s their job! Cameras makes it seem that they don’t trust their own teachers that the school hired. Cameras create a distrustful situation between teachers and principals. …show more content…

When there’s someone watching everything the students do, everyone gets a little uncomfortable. Also, the teachers might stop fun activities just in case the person watching them does not like educational games which would get the teacher in trouble. After all these changes everyone gets on edge and with no fun people might not be as joyful but, more somber. In “Cameras in Classrooms: Big Brother Watching?” states “Many opponents also indicate that the presence of cameras could create a negative atmosphere in the classroom, and dampen student participation.” Kids will be unhappy with the cameras watching their every move and these factors will overall cause a negative

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