When Does Discipline Turn Into Child Abuse Essay

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When does discipline turn into child abuse? Child abuse is an issue that effects the lives of the victim but also society. Child abuse is the mistreatment of a child that results in a non-accidental injury or harm to which cannot be explained. Many families believe in spanking as a means of punishment for misbehavior where other families believe that no matter what spanking is a form of abuse. When is discipline of a child too much and considered child abuse? A short spanking is unlikely to constitute child abuse because it doesn’t result in physical or emotional harm but if a parent repeatedly spanked the child with a closed fist or on a body part that resulted in pain then it could be considered child abuse depending on the severity of the actions. Also, if the parent’s actions resulted in any physical injury it could constitute abuse. The law doesn’t say you can’t use any physical discipline of children but it does set limits to protect children from abuse (legal resources). Discipline is teaching a child …show more content…

Culture is someone’s ethnic or racial background, that also includes gender, socioeconomic status, race or ethnicity, age, religion, education, or occupation and geographic region. The way individuals discipline, expectations of children, roles of parents and extended family are based on their culture. This means that use of culturally different discipline practices can create great risks for parents such as being reported for abuse to agencies. Recently, this has become a severe problem for immigrant parents who have settles in the United States. There are some differences between Chinese and American discipline styles. This does not mean that anything goes because it’s “cultural”. Parents cannot blame their parenting practices on what is acceptable in the culture around them. Some parents who abuse children blame their behavior on a cultural background as a way of justifying the abuse