When I Went To The Woods Rhetorical Analysis

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Thoreau’s purpose is to live a simple life. He doesn't want to live the fast life, he wants to see every detail there is and obtain everything life offers. Thoreau wanted to die knowing he lived what life was meant to be. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” This is an antithesis because Thoreau supports his decision on going into to the woods by saying if he didn't, he would regret it. Thoreau states, “I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.” Thoreau is contrasting his purpose with his resignation. He compares his life with a life he doesn't want. The similes in paragraph two are paired up with each of Thoreau ideas. By pairing them he is able to catch the reader's attention. By having similes to compare his ideas, the readers are able to understand what Thoreau point of view is on life. The extended metaphor in paragraph two …show more content…

First he says “we are determined to be starved before we are hungry.” This shows how people are focused on the future that they forget about the present. Then Thoreau mentions how a farmer has an ear out for the fire alarm to save as much of his farm in case of a fire instead of enjoying his farm. Another man is mentioned on how he takes 30 minute naps and when he wakes up or is awoken, he either sees the news or ask for the news after being awake. The news usually had something violet that happened. Since the news was usually violent, it would keep people at home thinking how to be safe in the future, therefore wasting time and some life . instead of taking advantage of the day and being