When Tv Is Worth Next To Nothing Analysis

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It’s obvious from this passage that Bradbury was trying to convey how television can cause people to become completely unaware of certain things, and in Mildred’s case, it’s the value of money. Mildred has this idea in her mind and she wants a full room of televisions, but at the same time, she doesn’t understand how expensive that is. She speaks as though two thousand dollars is worth next to nothing. Even after Montag attempts to explain to her that two thousand dollar is a decent amount of money out of his paycheck, she still believes that it’s not a big deal and she needs it. This idea still rings true today because people will look at items such as televisions, and immediately decide that they need to have it, without any regard to whether they can afford it. From this passage, the reader can see that Bradbury is showing how television can distort reality for …show more content…

However, when people finally listen to their own thoughts, they can find that the thought differ greatly to the majority. By thinking independent, people become aware of themselves, and their own emotions. Going through with a mask on is not truly living. It is important for people to understand realize how they really feel and if that is not how the majority for people are, then so be it. People, government, and the world in general will always be feeding its population lies. And it is way to easy accept those lies and move on with life instead of discovering if they are really the truth. However, it is incredibly important to uncover the truth because a constant state of ignorance benefits no one, except those in control. If people actually took the chance and looked pasted all the funnels and searched for the truth, they might realize that they were getting something of much less value than what they were told. By accepting the water as wine, people will never taste the