Which Chemical Is The Sanitizer For A Hot Tub Or Pool

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Leslie G
Hour 3
Thinking About the Problem

For my science experiment project I am testing to see which chemical is the sanitizer for a hot tub or pool. This "Thinking About the Problem" will help me think about my topic and gather information to modify the variables in my experiment. The following chemicals are sanitizers that are used to control bacteria and algae growth. They also reduce the risk of viruses and microorganisms as well as help keep the water clear. The two main methods of sanitization are Chlorine and Bromine. Chlorine is the most widely used pool/hot tub sanitizer, it comes in liquid, granular or tablet form. Tablets are best for keeping a steady supply of chlorine over a long period of time, while liquid …show more content…

It is available in tablet and granular form and considered to be softer on swimmers than chlorine as well as having less of an odor than chlorine. It is very sensitive to UV light so it dissipates quickly if the pool is exposed to a lot of sun. When using bromine you may find that you are constantly adding more of this chemical. A pressurized feeder called a brominator can be used to slowly supply the pool with bromine. Although bromine is expensive in comparison to other chemicals, bromine is more effective at killing algae than chlorine and is just as effective at killing …show more content…

Hydrogen peroxide is often used in homes as a disinfectant for small wounds or for other cleaning purposes. It can be bought in concentration as high as 35% which is great for long term use. To use hydrogen peroxide you only need one ounce of 35% hydrogen peroxide per 100 gallons of water for every day you use the hot tub. Biguanides or PHMB which is short for Polyhexamethylene Biguanides are completely Chlorine and Bromine free. Biguanides are not usually recommended because they are more expensive and cannot be combined with some pool chemicals, such as chlorine and bromine. Though they are considered to be one of the most swimmer friendly chemical sanitizers available and effectively kill bacteria and algae in pool water. Biguanides also stay in the pool water longer than most other sanitizers, making it easier to maintain other than weekly use of a hydrogen peroxide based oxidizer. Ionization is a natural alternative to common pool chemicals. It uses copper and silver to kill bacteria, viruses, and prevent algae and chlorine is only needed for weekly shock treatments. On the downside, high levels of copper can lead to green hair and staining on pool surfaces. When using a sanitizer, frequent water testing is needed to ensure complete water sanitization. When testing ionization you are monitoring the copper

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