Environmental Science and Sustainability (SCI201 -1504A -07) Instructor: Trena Woolridge Unit 4- Discussion Board Amanda Kranning October 27, 2015 Eutrophication is a syndrome of ecosystem responses to human activities that fertilize water bodies with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), often leading to changes in animal and plant populations and degradation of water and habitat quality.(Cloern, Krantz, & Hogan, 2013) Eutrophication forms when an abundance of nitrogen and phosphorus increases growth within an environment. One issue found is the creation of smelly phytoplankton that makes murky unclear waters along with aquatic impurities. Moreover, the reduction of growth due to poor light conditions and dying plants make it difficult for predatory fish to hunt leading to overpopulation. (Chislock, 2013) Eutrophication can be found in many of our water resources such as ponds, estuaries, and bays. One region with high areas with eutrophication is in a lake shared by Kisumu, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda. With oxygen depletion and reduced transparency, many Haplochromis fish species have become …show more content…
When limiting nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from aquatic ecosystems allows for less buildup thus increasing the chances of healthier waters. Ultrasonic irradiation causes the rapid formation and collapse of bubbles in a liquid referred to as cavitations. The implosion of cavitations bubbles produces free radicals, which damage cells of blue-green algae. These radicals are keen to react with potassium iodide resulting in iodine liberation. Ultrasonic irradiation then inflicts immediate damage on photosynthetic activity thus limiting algae growth. Although beneficial, the removal of sediment within bodies of water is of a costly nature and is usually a last resort. (Lenntech,