
Who Is Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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In the eyes of some, Abigail Williams is the most despicable character in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. She could be seen as the most evil character, because of the reasons she accuses Tituba, Elizabeth, and Mary of witchcraft.
It is wrong and manipulative to accuse a person of something they have not done, no matter what the circumstances are. However, the reasoning behind such false accusations can give insight into the true motives and personality of a character. Abigail accuses Tituba of witchcraft to save herself. Abby asked Tituba to create a charm to get John Proctor to love her. However, Abigail soon realizes that Parris is solving the mystery of what happened in the woods that night, so she throws all the blame on Tituba. This is expressed when Abby says, “She made me do it! She made Betty do it!” (Miller, 47). Abigail knew she had brought trouble upon herself, but she was unable to deal with the consequences. …show more content…

It becomes obvious that Proctor feels immense guilt for what occurred between them. He wants nothing to do with Abby, but she still loves him and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep him for herself. Ultimately, Abby decides to charge Elizabeth, Proctor’s wife, with witchcraft. This is revealed when Cheever says, “Why, Abigail Williams charge her” (Miller, 77). Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft, in the hopes that Elizabeth will be killed for compacting with the devil. This will leave Proctor and Abigail the freedom to be together. This action shows readers that Abby believes her own personal desires are more important than human

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