
Who Is Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout the life of a child, they experience life lessons and they widley observe their parents behaviour. Children learn what is considered right and wrong and ultimately, become a manifestation of whoever raised them. Although fictional characters are simply fiction, they easily portray the lessons children go through everyday. Characters within media have shown at least one parental figure in their lives that have impacted them somehow. Atticus Finch, the father of Scout and Jem Finch in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, gives guidance to his children on how they should live their lives with an open mind. Atticus is known to be a good father to Jem and Scout and teaches them about the unjust ways of the people in Maycomb. He teaches …show more content…

Scout did not understand why Atticus was defending a black man if it was not right of him to do so then quickly understood the moment her father explained to her what it is like to be in Tom’s position and his own. In addition, Atticus teaches Scout to be sensitive and be caring instead of being insensitive after she comes home from school. Burris Ewell is part of the Ewell family who are known to only go to school once a year, never bathe and overall live like wild animals; they do not have a mother, only a father by the name of Bob Ewell. After school, Scout feels that she should not have to go to school if Burris does not however Atticus opposes to such a thought. He tells her how they live, saying “They didn’t have to go to school, for one thing. Another thing, Mr. Bob Ewell, Burris’s father, was permitted to hunt and trap out of season,” (Lee 41). Scout says to her father how that is bad, and he replies with: “and it’s certainly bad, but when a man spends his relief checks on green whiskey his children have a way of crying from hunger pains,”

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