Who Is Dantes Inferno

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Dante Alighieri, an author and philosopher, was born in Florence, Italy, in approximately 1265. In the late 1300s, he wrote three parts to the epic poem, The Divine Comedy, a fictitious story about Dante’s journey through the Heavens. Dante is given a “tour” of Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. Through each section, Dante’s character changes from a man who has strayed away from the “true path”, to a man who has found himself and has corrected his way of life. Alighieri puts Dante through innumerable experiences that change him as The Divine Comedy progresses. Before Dante journeys through Inferno, he has come to the realization that his life is not being lived purely and without sin. He compares this feeling to being alone in a dark wood, as he states in line three of Canto One. Virgil soon arrives to take Dante on his adventure. When Charon approaches to take them through the nine circles, Dante passes out because he is frightened. This incident shows that he is not prepared for the events he will encounter. The second circle is filled with the lustful souls. Dante feels …show more content…

Many readers consider this level of the Heavens to be the “waiting room” of Paradise. The seven terraces correspond with the seven deadly sins and the idea of symbolic retribution remains evident in this part of The Divine Comedy. Dante’s experiences, meeting the different souls in Purgatory and in Inferno, both have the same effect on him. Dante learns that humans believe God and the Heavens are the explanation for everything – sin and purity – in their lives. Learning this has a major impact on him because he realizes that humans have the power to choose to either be pure or impure in their lives. Knowing this, Dante can manage his life to be the way he wants, which is to become closer to God. This recognition brings him closer to being back on the “true