
Who Is Ed Kennedy's Development In I Am The Messenger

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The Evolution of Ed Kennedy In the book, “I Am the Messenger,” the character Ed Kennedy goes through major character development throughout the book. Ed is forced to complete the cards that give hints about what task is next, throughout the book Ed shows his growth and character development. Ed is a nineteen-year-old guy who is lazy and doesn’t have a lot going on in his life, but towards the end, he is a guy who stands up for people and helps those in need. The task that Ed completes in this book that showcases him changing as a person is Edgar Street, Father O’Reilly, and Marv, his best friend. At the beginning of the book, Ed asks himself, “Well, Ed—what have you really achieved in your nineteen years? The answer’s simple, but not impossible. …show more content…

This quote implies that Ed is going to help save the Father’s church by gathering people together, but he isn’t quite sure how to either. Afterward, Ed finally knows how to help Father O’Reilly and he gathers the community together for a whole day at the church; in the long run this brings more people than the father had before he met Ed. Helping the community stick with Ed for the rest of the book and Father O'Reilly's advice as well. In one of Ed’s final missions he has to help his friends, but in the end, one specific friend ends up building Ed Kennedy’s character development even more, that was his best friend Marv. At first, Ed is confused about what Marv could need help with; asking Marv for money, later on, Ed discovers that Marv had a kid when he was 16 years old. Ed says to Marv, “I’ll come with you” (Zusak 321). This implies that Ed will be a good friend and help Marv face the fear and guilt he has lived with these past years to go meet his child even though he knew where they lived. “At the car, I realize I’m alone” (Zusak 325) Ed says to himself; although he is alone it’s not a bad thing because across from him is Marv who just got beat up but is still sitting on the porch with his beautiful

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