Who Is Harriet Tubman An Abolitionist

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Harriet Tubman was a nineteenth century abolitionist. She wasn’t like most northern abolitionists, though because she was an African American (Not that that’s bad or anything). She had rough beginnings, as she was born a slave in the southern states. She escaped, and a year after she did, she started helping other slaves get to freedom. Because of her efforts, 200 or so slaves escaped in the underground railroad.

Tubman, like other abolitionists, where frustrated when president Lincoln wasn’t in a rush to free slaves in the south. She wanted to help the army, so she set out to make funds for the war. Through good connections, she managed to travel down into the south with a volunteer group to help fugitive slaves. She was a master of disguise, and usually dressed as a farm hand or a …show more content…

This was a turning point for her, because right then and there, she had vowed to be free. Once she escaped and arrived north, she had decided that she wanted to go back to the south to free her loved ones. Once she freed them, she decided to help everyone to safety. The trail that she took was the underground railroad, which was not a literal railroad, but rather a trail that escaped slaves can take to freedom.

She is the only conductor that can say that they’ve never lost a passenger. She used methods that where questionable, but they worked. She scared them into being quiet, and threatened them with a loaded gun. All of these things she did were for everyone’s safety, and so they weren’t caught. If they were caught, then all of their dreams of freedom were over.

The texts have a similar structure, and are hard to compare. They were both at different times in her life, one explains the underground railroad, and the other explaining her civil was experience. They both intervene in certain parts, and have the same sort of meaning. Harriet Tubman was in inspiration, and we need to follow her example and change the