
Who Is Moses Research Paper

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Who was moses?
Moses was an average Hebrew, who was born into the tribe of Levi. The Levities were one of the religious tribes in Israel. The Levities were known to the spiritual leaders of God, therefore meaning that those who were apart of that tribe had a greater connection to him, then others and were able to speak his words to others. Around the time that he had been born, the new leader of Israel and the person that was enslaving many of Moses people had forced that all the Israelite male children should be drowned as a result of him feeling insecure and threatened of the great population which he was facing. Once he had been born, Moses was placed in a basket by his mother and sister, and had been sent onto the River Nile. It …show more content…

Moses was a man of many qualities, but just as all people do he had his flaws. He was not a spokesmen and was scared at the beginning of his journey with God. Yet this fear also heightened one of his main qualities; courage. This was shown through the sacrifices he made in order to accomplish and become the prophet he is today. He was also a man who showed kindness and fairness. This has been proven by the way he looked after and guided all the slaves of the Pharaoh and how he used the power of God in order to defeat the …show more content…

Not only that but he also put his life and his reputation on the line in order to help these people. As mentioned above, Moses spent a big chunk of his life fulfilling Gods wishes and taking the Israelites to the promised holy land. This was done through the plaques that he used in order to make the Pharaoh feel weak.
Blood: The first plaque that hit the Egyptians was blood. Using his staff, Aaron (moses’ brother) hit the river and turned it into blood. All the fish In the river had died, and no clean water was found. yet the Pharaoh did not give in to Moses.
Frogs: The second plaque that hit the Egyptians was frogs, many swarmed in and created loud noises all through Israel, the Pharaoh promised to set free the slaves, therefore making the frogs go away. But then broke his promise and did not free the slaves.
Bugs: The third plaque that hit the Egyptians was bugs. Bugs covered all of the land and became an annoying and terrible hazard for the Egyptians.
Flies and Lice: The fourth plaque that hit the Egyptians was flies and lice, Moses raised his staff and it turned all the sand in Israel into lice, making it unbearable for the Egyptians, still Pharaoh did not

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