
Who Is Responsible For The Tragedy In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is one of the most infamous love stories to exist. It was written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500s. The story is set in the city of Verona where two high-class families, the Capulets and Montagues, have had a feud that spanned back multiple generations. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fell in love despite the quarrel. In the end, the couple could not be together and killed themselves. A question that has been asked a multitude of times was, “Who is responsible for the tragedy of the couple?” To answer it plainly, the fault is Romeo’s to bear. One of the recurring traits in Romeo is that he would do anything in pursuit of a lady. Romeo knew that Rosaline, his first love mentioned in the story, would be at a party held by the Capulets because she was listed on an invitation. He also knew of the feud and the constant street brawls between both families, yet he threw that knowledge away to see her. He went into the opposing family’s territory and risked getting assaulted or killed because he was overly infatuated with her. The serving man from the Capulet house stated, “...if you be not / of the / house of Montagues, I pray come and crush a / cup of wine.” (1.3.86-88) This quote directly states …show more content…

Juliet was thirteen years old, but this is not to say that she had no common sense and should not be held accountable for her role. She was guided and persuaded by Romeo in most of her actions. Juliet was willing to change if he wanted her to. Act 2 Scene 2 lines 100-102 reads as follows, “...if thou thinkest I am too quickly won, / I’ll frown and be perverse and say thee nay, / so thou wilt woo, but else not for the world.” Most of the events in the story centered around Romeo and Juliet because they were the most important characters, but also because Romeo caused most of the

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