
Who Is Ronald Reagan A Good President

1969 Words8 Pages

When one hears the name Ronald Reagan, one might think of his good looks, his perfect hair, his rich voice, his humor, his charisma, his smile, the twinkle in his eye, his optimism and the emotional appeal to the American people. Reagan was known as “The Great Communicator” because he was able to connect with average American citizens and world leaders. He restored the hope and American dream for American people; when he spoke in a way that made people feel at ease. What if the American people knew that everything that Reagan said and did was “goof proofed” by his staff. “The staff would prepare answers in advance for him to give whatever the question” (29). Would they really want a president ignorant enough to say that “trees, not industry or cars, caused most air pollution” ?(29) His staff told him where to stand to get the …show more content…

In his term of office, the rich got richer and the poor, poorer. He was a puppet president when it came to his speeches and public appearances, because he was directed by his administrators on what to say and how to look. Although Americans may have loved him for his humor, his charisma, and his sense of hope, they were blinded by his shady activities. He limited the federal governments’ involvement, which actually increased the role of the government in many ways. Reagan created a strong defense system, which contribute to the huge deficit. Reagan’s conservative agenda was destructive to minorities, mothers, and children, but it helped the wealthy thrive. He was not fit to be a president because he ignored the needs of the American people. He also was not a fit president because it supplies weapons to one of our biggest enemies who express their hate for America. Any president that supplies missiles to terrorist has to be out of his mind. I believe that Reagan was a bad president and it is shown through his domestic and foreign

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