
Who Is The Girl Who Trod On The Deaf

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The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf by Hans Christian Anderson is the text that comes to my mind first when we are talking about Christianity. The whole idea of the story is that this young girl is trapped in hell, with very personalized punishments. God punishes her because of her actions on earth. The reason why she went to hell was because she was vain, selfish, and arrogant. At one point in the text Anderson writes “Then Inge turned back; she who was so finely dressed not turn back out of pity for her mothers poverty, but from her pride” (Anderson 3). This exact quote shows very directly how ashamed she is of people who are not rich and well-dressed, even if that person is her biological mother. Anderson is saying that a young child should be none of those things to be accepted into heaven. The text is painting the picture of an ideal child by telling the reader what not to be. God in The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf is seen as a judgmental God but yet a forgiving one as well. Inge stayed in this form of purgatory for many years until she was forgiven and freed. Anderson says “It seemed impossible that the gates of mercy could ever …show more content…

This enjoyable novel is filled with nonsense and no real lesson to be learned. It is void of all obedience advice and the punishment for being naughty is non-existence. The situations are irrelevant and the characters make no sense, but that is the point. The book is trying to lock Alice’s childhood forever by adding nonsense. Carroll states in his introduction, “In gentler tones Secunda hopes there must be nonsense in it!” (Carroll 6). Children love the sense of nothing being intellectual. This widely popular book was made to let children escape from adults and rules. These two pieces are very different from one another in that fact that Watt’s wants children to obey God and their elders, while Carroll lets children’s imaginations run

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