Who Is Told In Chapter 19 Of The Birth Of John

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In chapter 19 Mary in the Qur’an, Maryam by Mohammad, is told of her foreseeable future. Her husband has been visited and has received explanatory news. Verse 19:8 shows that he is very confused of how this baby will be born as he is old and his wife is barren ‘He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I have reached extreme old age?". However, this chapter in the Qur’an describes the birth of ‘John’ and he will be a sign to the people and a mercy from ‘Us’. This chapter also mentions the missions of some earlier prophets, showing that only human beings are raised to reform the world.
Chapter 5, verse 5:110-120 begins with Allah speaking to Jesus giving him permission in verse 110, ‘and when you designed from