Who Is Walter's Motivation In A Raisin In The Sun

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The resolution of Walters greatest motivation being his son Travis is negative considering Walters reasoning behind his motives in A Raisin in the Sun. Throughout the play, Walter’s mind is set on the idea of opening a liquor shop. His intentions this correlates with his masculinity as he feels that he should be the one who provides for the family because he is a man. Although Travis does play a role as Walter's motivation to achieving his dreams, it was not his greatest motivation. Walters greatest motivation was the idea of being the man of the household, to be the one making and providing money like his father worked before he passed. Not only this, but Walter’s thoughts revolve around his masculinity, he feels useless as a chauffeur and he feels that it isn't fit for what his role in the Younger family is supposed to be.
Walter takes pride in masculinity whenever it poses him the chance to. Throughout act one in the play, Travis asked for fifty cents, but Walter gave two fifty cent coins to allow Travis to be happy with what he desires. However, this leads to Walter asking Ruth for money. Walter did this to show Travis that he can provide his daily needs, and that he should be the one providing things because he is the man. “In fact, here’s another fifty cents … Buy …show more content…

THe intention of being motivated for travis differs from what the Younger family has done to lead to his final decisions in the play. Reflecting back on Wlatrers past, it was recognized that he values the work his father had contributed to the family to earn them money. In return, Walter also wants his work to pay off with the dream of living as an average family rather than a poor one. The dreams and desires of Walter Lee encourages to opus forward with his liquor store idea as it enlightens his ideas to earn money to successfully provide for the family like he should