Who Led Up To The Civil War Essay

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In 1862 the civil war was started. The first shot at fort sumter when Abraham lincoln decided to resupply the station instead of restoring the major force in the fort. The main reasons for the were mostly because of these causes: The Enrollment act of 1683, slavery issues and the effect abraham had on the U.S at this time. First the Enrollment act was getting manpower for the union to fight. This brings up the issue of slavery, because this meant that the US can bring slaves and black men to fight. If blacks during this time were segregated from the white men this means the black men will be segregated during the war too. This is where Lincoln comes in. Abraham Lincoln was president in 1861. By the time this happened seven states seceded from the union. He however was not an abolitionist he thought that slavery would come to …show more content…

Causing traumatic drama in the north. The south decided to succeed because the loss of the democratic party. the south that was extremely outraged came up with the confederate states and rebelled against the north causing the fight at fort sumter. this is a chain reaction. The South wanted to attain slavery and keep it alive this is why it was so traumatic to them. The Fights and leaders who were on different sides were coming up with new ways to defeat their opponent. The new tactics were hiding and ambushing instead of going face to face with the enemy. At fort sumter the Civil War. The war was caused because Lincoln didn't want the south to secede and they felt as if they weren't breaking any law from this. I believe the war was avoidable because lincoln used force when he didn't have to Lincoln thought that the south was trying to overthrow the

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